Sunday, September 26, 2010

Garlic bread

I miss the garlic bread in Australia.

Don't know why, but i ordered garlic bread on Saturday as soon as i saw it on the menu. Ever since i came back to SG, i only ate garlic bread once in Nando's chicken. It was fantastic! It still taste Australian, that light taste of garlic, mixed with cheese and herbs, oily yet delicious. However, the garlic bread from Toastbox was a total failure. I never knew that garlic bread can be sweet...

I just miss the true western garlic bread. Will Asian ever make the same garlic bread? And i miss the garlic fries in Cedar Point too!
Do i really miss the food, or the good times...

Anyway, don't buy the garlic bread in Fairprice, or you will regret that.

Thursday, September 23, 2010




话说我的AFA(advanced financial accounting)一组,4个中国人,我一直没在乎。中国人嘛,大家在一起就用中文商量,什么问题也一起解决。一个presentation,2道题,大家一起把问题解决了,于是也很高兴,觉得合作还不错。然而,这是一个presentation + post answers,所以需要把consolidation worksheets做出来,不只是journal entries.于是乎,我开始了艰难的consolidation worksheets的工程。估计学过accounting的人都知道这是什么样子的。最终跟老师结果有差距,于是我一个个找,另一个组员也帮忙,最终弄妥了,softcopy也弄好了。


于是说,大家分配presentation的内容,我说想做第三部分,另一组员也说要做,于是乎,我说你想做就做吧,我做大家都不愿做的intro+first few entries.结果今天presentation了,另一组员说她做Intro,因为她忘了,问了另外两个人,都说是让她做。然后让我做analytical check, 我最不自信的一部分。分配工作的时候,我第一个就说我不做analytical check,难道你们忘了?于是乎,大家想起来是她们弄错了,接着又劝我,“analytical check那么简单,你照着读不就是了!”天哪!!!“如果让我做analytical check,我就不做了。”我没有让步。



Friday, September 17, 2010






Monday, September 13, 2010


Doing Entrepreneurial Finance project, we need to have a creative business idea and implement it. Let me count my ideas:

1. "Post-it". I had the idea after post-it came out. Well, too late.

2. Online 3-D fitting room: I still think this would make a great business. Next time when you go to ebay or taobao to shop, you will be able to "try" on the clothes. Upload your photo, key in your height, weight and some basic information, the system will be able to generate a 3-D photo of yours! Right now, in the market, there is this "My visual Model" which looks like 3D technology, but is not; and the model is just a model, not you. However, this idea was done by another group last term. My professor shared this idea with them. I wonder if any company is doing this, and I hope to see it in the market soon.

3. Recycle paper by deinking. Ever wondered if recycling paper can be as easy as printing? Not sure if such a technology is available or is realistic, but would anything be able to deink the paper, in the same time, recycle the ink as well. Till now, i couldn't seem to find anything that can achieve the simple purpose. My only concern is that, the cost of recycling might be even higher than going through the whole process of recycling paper by current technology, because the later is on a much larger scale.

4. Transform Radiation to electric energy. Lots of radiation is affecting our health everyday. Imagine that there's such a "protector" that can absorb the radiation and transform it into energy, wouldn't life be much better? According to my research, the technology is available now, which uses nano technology.

Still thinking hard... Will i ever change the world by a little bit?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

