每个学期的过程中,我都会累得要死,这个学期尤其如此。学了5门课,旁听了半门,半个学期的Toastmasters,参加了学校fitness club的普拉提课程,做图书馆的part time,recess时还做了一个短期兼职,加上生病两次,熬夜n次,加上偶尔跟朋友看电影,唱歌,聚餐,吃夜宵……我在SMU好像从来没有这么忙过。于是,一个学期,我的体重下降了5斤,真得没有资本再继续瘦了……
Cherish every moment of life, because you cannot be sure that the next minute will be better. Only when you live every minute to the fullest, you will know that the minute just past was actually enjoyable, and you won't regret for anything.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
⒈ 我一向很坦然,有些事我还真不在乎。比如说,如果某人电话打不通,要我着急的猜测他跟哪个女生在通话之类的,或者为之吃醋,这是非常之不可能,并且我非常之不乐意被开这种玩笑!盆友们注意,以后,有则改之,无则加勉。。。
⒉ 不要以小人之心,度姐之腹。有些事情,我还真没想那么复杂,不要把你的思想加于我,姐不需要,而且,don't appreciate at all!
⒉ 不要以小人之心,度姐之腹。有些事情,我还真没想那么复杂,不要把你的思想加于我,姐不需要,而且,don't appreciate at all!
Friday, November 19, 2010
天哪,该怎么去解释?还是不解释at all...
难道是为了虚荣,还是到底是什么?我对自己很无奈,as always……
天哪,该怎么去解释?还是不解释at all...
难道是为了虚荣,还是到底是什么?我对自己很无奈,as always……
Thursday, November 18, 2010
study week
几天没有来更新博客了,因为是study week,全心投入在学习中,电脑甚至都不带了。
好久没有在听歌时落泪了吧,但在听"Yes I Do"时,眼睛湿润了。看来,并不只是周董与静茹的歌能让我感动。有时候,情到深处,听着动人的旋律与歌词,泪水就不自觉的滑落了……
好久没有在听歌时落泪了吧,但在听"Yes I Do"时,眼睛湿润了。看来,并不只是周董与静茹的歌能让我感动。有时候,情到深处,听着动人的旋律与歌词,泪水就不自觉的滑落了……
Saturday, November 13, 2010
1. 最近身体很差,浑身酸痛,体重已经直线下降到初中以来的最低……
2. 还在找实习中,这年头,想找个能挣点钱的实习真是难啊……
3. 什么时候回家呢?要不要考完试接着就回家啊……
4. 李小莹跟王小龙同学毕业了,感慨中……
5. 大姐在小龙的相册中出现次数最多(本人除外),还有生日那张,唯一的女人啊!这里面肯定有猫腻!
6. Victor要去郑州出差了,4个月,希望在那个小破地能活下来,回去找他玩去……
1. 最近身体很差,浑身酸痛,体重已经直线下降到初中以来的最低……
2. 还在找实习中,这年头,想找个能挣点钱的实习真是难啊……
3. 什么时候回家呢?要不要考完试接着就回家啊……
4. 李小莹跟王小龙同学毕业了,感慨中……
5. 大姐在小龙的相册中出现次数最多(本人除外),还有生日那张,唯一的女人啊!这里面肯定有猫腻!
6. Victor要去郑州出差了,4个月,希望在那个小破地能活下来,回去找他玩去……
Thursday, November 11, 2010
AFA report终于弄完了。我强烈不满Business的人学高级会计课!
AFA report终于弄完了。我强烈不满Business的人学高级会计课!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Anyway,看完后,我已经完全不是自己了。红红肿肿的眼睛,居然还在电影院门口见到一认识的人,SIM Toastmaster的,实在是囧,这个世界啊,真是太搞笑了。
最后,TTY行行好吧,我的EF project,难道要以B告终?我无奈了……组里有人喊“I'm so disappointed!",其实,受伤最多的是我。
Anyway,看完后,我已经完全不是自己了。红红肿肿的眼睛,居然还在电影院门口见到一认识的人,SIM Toastmaster的,实在是囧,这个世界啊,真是太搞笑了。
最后,TTY行行好吧,我的EF project,难道要以B告终?我无奈了……组里有人喊“I'm so disappointed!",其实,受伤最多的是我。
Sunday, November 7, 2010
1. 我根本都无法听或者看“散伙饭”这个词,因为我受不了
2. 我无法忍受你的失落,因为我心疼
3. 从今天开始,我晚上睡觉不再关机,白天不再忘带手机,一直为你待机
1. 我根本都无法听或者看“散伙饭”这个词,因为我受不了
2. 我无法忍受你的失落,因为我心疼
3. 从今天开始,我晚上睡觉不再关机,白天不再忘带手机,一直为你待机
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010

若干年后,如果我曾经喜欢过的人,还有曾经喜欢过我的人来到这里,我会送上一杯free lemonade.

若干年后,如果我曾经喜欢过的人,还有曾经喜欢过我的人来到这里,我会送上一杯free lemonade.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Black Humor
I have been listening to this song over and over. It's a sad song, and I'm a sad person. I like it.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Tears of a man
Girls cry; we cry a lot, or at least i cry a lot;
I can see other girls cry, i can see children cry, for me, the feeling towards them is simply sympathy;
But i can't see a man with tears, i just can't…
I remember my papa's tears when i was having an operation; i was only 12 then, so i felt the pain, the pain for my wound only, not for my papa's tears. But i remember it, and i feel painful for that ever since i began to understand love.
"Eat, Pray, Love", if i were Liz, i wouldn't have left Steven, i would never. He said, his dream was to have Liz. He cried in the lift. He had the faith to "correct" himself just for Liz. He took his wedding vows seriously, until death. With that, i would spend the rest of my life with him.
I saw Philip cry too, for his son. He had tears in the eyes for his ex-wife. It's just too touching to see those tears... And i can't take it.
Why are men crying so much nowadays? I believe that those are the expressions of true feelings, pain for the child, missing the child, love for the wife. unlike me, whose tears are sometimes just a sign of weakness , or to relieve...
I can see other girls cry, i can see children cry, for me, the feeling towards them is simply sympathy;
But i can't see a man with tears, i just can't…
I remember my papa's tears when i was having an operation; i was only 12 then, so i felt the pain, the pain for my wound only, not for my papa's tears. But i remember it, and i feel painful for that ever since i began to understand love.
"Eat, Pray, Love", if i were Liz, i wouldn't have left Steven, i would never. He said, his dream was to have Liz. He cried in the lift. He had the faith to "correct" himself just for Liz. He took his wedding vows seriously, until death. With that, i would spend the rest of my life with him.
I saw Philip cry too, for his son. He had tears in the eyes for his ex-wife. It's just too touching to see those tears... And i can't take it.
Why are men crying so much nowadays? I believe that those are the expressions of true feelings, pain for the child, missing the child, love for the wife. unlike me, whose tears are sometimes just a sign of weakness , or to relieve...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
然后做strategy project, (only to find that i DIDN'T SAVE!大四的人了,还会犯这种错误,我实在不想活啊!)
为了惩罚自己,我现在必须把Strategy project赶出来,才能睡觉!!!
然后做strategy project, (only to find that i DIDN'T SAVE!大四的人了,还会犯这种错误,我实在不想活啊!)
为了惩罚自己,我现在必须把Strategy project赶出来,才能睡觉!!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
what do i need
上周recess,终于盼到了recess week,结果生了一场重病,一直到现在还没有恢复。
现在,身体还是很虚,整天感觉在飘,而面前却摆着5个即将开始却在不久的将来就due的projects,我还有这个精力去应付它们吗?我真的需要super power...
现在,身体还是很虚,整天感觉在飘,而面前却摆着5个即将开始却在不久的将来就due的projects,我还有这个精力去应付它们吗?我真的需要super power...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I just can't
Last mid-term
Last mid-term exam is coming in 8 hours. I'd better go to sleep now!
Just finish my revision, aww!
Everybody, wish me luck! :)
Just finish my revision, aww!
Everybody, wish me luck! :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Garlic bread
I miss the garlic bread in Australia.
Don't know why, but i ordered garlic bread on Saturday as soon as i saw it on the menu. Ever since i came back to SG, i only ate garlic bread once in Nando's chicken. It was fantastic! It still taste Australian, that light taste of garlic, mixed with cheese and herbs, oily yet delicious. However, the garlic bread from Toastbox was a total failure. I never knew that garlic bread can be sweet...
I just miss the true western garlic bread. Will Asian ever make the same garlic bread? And i miss the garlic fries in Cedar Point too!
Do i really miss the food, or the good times...
Anyway, don't buy the garlic bread in Fairprice, or you will regret that.
Don't know why, but i ordered garlic bread on Saturday as soon as i saw it on the menu. Ever since i came back to SG, i only ate garlic bread once in Nando's chicken. It was fantastic! It still taste Australian, that light taste of garlic, mixed with cheese and herbs, oily yet delicious. However, the garlic bread from Toastbox was a total failure. I never knew that garlic bread can be sweet...
I just miss the true western garlic bread. Will Asian ever make the same garlic bread? And i miss the garlic fries in Cedar Point too!
Do i really miss the food, or the good times...
Anyway, don't buy the garlic bread in Fairprice, or you will regret that.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
话说我的AFA(advanced financial accounting)一组,4个中国人,我一直没在乎。中国人嘛,大家在一起就用中文商量,什么问题也一起解决。一个presentation,2道题,大家一起把问题解决了,于是也很高兴,觉得合作还不错。然而,这是一个presentation + post answers,所以需要把consolidation worksheets做出来,不只是journal entries.于是乎,我开始了艰难的consolidation worksheets的工程。估计学过accounting的人都知道这是什么样子的。最终跟老师结果有差距,于是我一个个找,另一个组员也帮忙,最终弄妥了,softcopy也弄好了。
于是说,大家分配presentation的内容,我说想做第三部分,另一组员也说要做,于是乎,我说你想做就做吧,我做大家都不愿做的intro+first few entries.结果今天presentation了,另一组员说她做Intro,因为她忘了,问了另外两个人,都说是让她做。然后让我做analytical check, 我最不自信的一部分。分配工作的时候,我第一个就说我不做analytical check,难道你们忘了?于是乎,大家想起来是她们弄错了,接着又劝我,“analytical check那么简单,你照着读不就是了!”天哪!!!“如果让我做analytical check,我就不做了。”我没有让步。
话说我的AFA(advanced financial accounting)一组,4个中国人,我一直没在乎。中国人嘛,大家在一起就用中文商量,什么问题也一起解决。一个presentation,2道题,大家一起把问题解决了,于是也很高兴,觉得合作还不错。然而,这是一个presentation + post answers,所以需要把consolidation worksheets做出来,不只是journal entries.于是乎,我开始了艰难的consolidation worksheets的工程。估计学过accounting的人都知道这是什么样子的。最终跟老师结果有差距,于是我一个个找,另一个组员也帮忙,最终弄妥了,softcopy也弄好了。
于是说,大家分配presentation的内容,我说想做第三部分,另一组员也说要做,于是乎,我说你想做就做吧,我做大家都不愿做的intro+first few entries.结果今天presentation了,另一组员说她做Intro,因为她忘了,问了另外两个人,都说是让她做。然后让我做analytical check, 我最不自信的一部分。分配工作的时候,我第一个就说我不做analytical check,难道你们忘了?于是乎,大家想起来是她们弄错了,接着又劝我,“analytical check那么简单,你照着读不就是了!”天哪!!!“如果让我做analytical check,我就不做了。”我没有让步。
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Doing Entrepreneurial Finance project, we need to have a creative business idea and implement it. Let me count my ideas:
1. "Post-it". I had the idea after post-it came out. Well, too late.
2. Online 3-D fitting room: I still think this would make a great business. Next time when you go to ebay or taobao to shop, you will be able to "try" on the clothes. Upload your photo, key in your height, weight and some basic information, the system will be able to generate a 3-D photo of yours! Right now, in the market, there is this "My visual Model" which looks like 3D technology, but is not; and the model is just a model, not you. However, this idea was done by another group last term. My professor shared this idea with them. I wonder if any company is doing this, and I hope to see it in the market soon.
3. Recycle paper by deinking. Ever wondered if recycling paper can be as easy as printing? Not sure if such a technology is available or is realistic, but would anything be able to deink the paper, in the same time, recycle the ink as well. Till now, i couldn't seem to find anything that can achieve the simple purpose. My only concern is that, the cost of recycling might be even higher than going through the whole process of recycling paper by current technology, because the later is on a much larger scale.
4. Transform Radiation to electric energy. Lots of radiation is affecting our health everyday. Imagine that there's such a "protector" that can absorb the radiation and transform it into energy, wouldn't life be much better? According to my research, the technology is available now, which uses nano technology.
Still thinking hard... Will i ever change the world by a little bit?
1. "Post-it". I had the idea after post-it came out. Well, too late.
2. Online 3-D fitting room: I still think this would make a great business. Next time when you go to ebay or taobao to shop, you will be able to "try" on the clothes. Upload your photo, key in your height, weight and some basic information, the system will be able to generate a 3-D photo of yours! Right now, in the market, there is this "My visual Model" which looks like 3D technology, but is not; and the model is just a model, not you. However, this idea was done by another group last term. My professor shared this idea with them. I wonder if any company is doing this, and I hope to see it in the market soon.
3. Recycle paper by deinking. Ever wondered if recycling paper can be as easy as printing? Not sure if such a technology is available or is realistic, but would anything be able to deink the paper, in the same time, recycle the ink as well. Till now, i couldn't seem to find anything that can achieve the simple purpose. My only concern is that, the cost of recycling might be even higher than going through the whole process of recycling paper by current technology, because the later is on a much larger scale.
4. Transform Radiation to electric energy. Lots of radiation is affecting our health everyday. Imagine that there's such a "protector" that can absorb the radiation and transform it into energy, wouldn't life be much better? According to my research, the technology is available now, which uses nano technology.
Still thinking hard... Will i ever change the world by a little bit?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Back to reality
School has started for 2 weeks, and I'm back to reality again.
It was so hard for my first week. After 8 months away from SMU, i don't even know how to study!
"I'm very happy that I'm graduating soon;
I'm very sad that school has just started!"
Still, i made it through for 2 weeks, and everything is getting better as time goes by.
When we are back to reality, there will always be something that we will miss from the crazy world, such as the crazy friends we met and the crazy things we did together! And there is always something that we missed and are glad to have back. Maybe that's life. You can't have everything. But who said that we wouldn't be happy with just what we have now? :)
古语曰:"知足而常乐". I am satisfied, and I am happy! And wish I can learn more during my last year in university!
It was so hard for my first week. After 8 months away from SMU, i don't even know how to study!
"I'm very happy that I'm graduating soon;
I'm very sad that school has just started!"
Still, i made it through for 2 weeks, and everything is getting better as time goes by.
When we are back to reality, there will always be something that we will miss from the crazy world, such as the crazy friends we met and the crazy things we did together! And there is always something that we missed and are glad to have back. Maybe that's life. You can't have everything. But who said that we wouldn't be happy with just what we have now? :)
古语曰:"知足而常乐". I am satisfied, and I am happy! And wish I can learn more during my last year in university!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
5.Vital Juice
If all other 4 experiences are not considered real jobs, working in Vital Juice is the only official job experience I had in Perth. Edwin is a “senior” staff in VJ, and he introduced me this job. VJ is a juice bar, located at Murray Street Mall. We mainly sell freshly squeezed juice & smoothies. Maybe because I like fruits, everything in VJ tastes delicious:
Banana Max: made with milk, banana, honey, yogurt
Mango Mystic: made with tropical juice, mango, strawberry, mango sorbet
Very berry: made with apple juice, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, yogurt
Immunity: made with fresh apple, celery, ginger, garlic, pepper
Tune up: made with apple, carrot, orange, ginger…
VJ is a crazy place, filled with crazy people. Often, people like something not because the fame, the environment, but because of the people. And VJ is just one example. Let me introduce the people to you:
Starting with the boss – Bob: Bob is a nice middle aged New Zealander. He’s nice in some aspects compared to the prior boss: he doesn’t mix his mood with the business; he’s not very strict, which makes the job very relaxing. Edwin always says he’s nice, but stupid, because he doesn’t really understand the business, and added a coffee machine which has been making loss since Day 1; he works very slowly. My impression of him is neutral. The only thing I don’t like him is that he thinks people are all like him. If he works very slowly, as I a new member, I must work very slowly. I don’t like the kind of employer without the trust and confidence in me.
My trainer – Kevyn: Kevyn is a Chinese from Mauricio. “I don’t speak Chinese; I speak French.” When people talk to him in Chinese, he always replies this way. He has a very young appearance, like 18 years old, while he is 24 indeed. I only got to know his real age on my last day. Judging by his look, “小白脸” would be the first word out of your mouth! Well, that’s not without proof. How to put it, maybe he’s a natural flirter. When he’s in VJ, you can always see him flirt with girls, and interestingly, girls like to talk to him. But the good thing is, he loves his girlfriend. During his last two weeks, he almost worked everyday to earn more money for his trip to KL, to see his girlfriend. Sweet!
When I mention Kevyn, everybody who has been to VJ would not forget how I "hit" him. As we got closer, everything became very casual. He always bitches about the “Meat Ball”, another Aussie girl in VJ. Those bad words, especially the “F” word drove me crazy, and that was how he got beaten by me. After that, he told the people in VJ that I always slapped him. To prove him right, I had to keep doing it, slapping him whenever he talks bad word. So it became a famous sightseeing in VJ. Everybody must have seen that, and they like it!
Mikail: Mikael is from Indonesia. I only got to know him during the second week after I came to VJ. At first, he was very quiet; we didn’t talk much. In the end, we became very good friends. One day, he came to work in the noon. Feeling thirsty, he made a drink for himself. And then, he went to buy lunch; and again, he went to the toilet after that. I sold a few juice in the mean time, and made some samples out of the "chicken soup". Then, a great idea came across my mind. I poured a little bit of the chicken into a "Very berry" drink, and stirred, stirred... He came back, continued with his own drink.
"Hey, Mikail! Do you want the very berry? I just made it!"
"Oh, ok."
"Quickly finish yours, and i'll pour it into your cup!"
He got really mad over that, and i dared not to make fun of him any more...
I just wonder, "does the chicken soup taste really that bad?!"
If all other 4 experiences are not considered real jobs, working in Vital Juice is the only official job experience I had in Perth. Edwin is a “senior” staff in VJ, and he introduced me this job. VJ is a juice bar, located at Murray Street Mall. We mainly sell freshly squeezed juice & smoothies. Maybe because I like fruits, everything in VJ tastes delicious:
Banana Max: made with milk, banana, honey, yogurt
Mango Mystic: made with tropical juice, mango, strawberry, mango sorbet
Very berry: made with apple juice, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, yogurt
Immunity: made with fresh apple, celery, ginger, garlic, pepper
Tune up: made with apple, carrot, orange, ginger…
VJ is a crazy place, filled with crazy people. Often, people like something not because the fame, the environment, but because of the people. And VJ is just one example. Let me introduce the people to you:
Starting with the boss – Bob: Bob is a nice middle aged New Zealander. He’s nice in some aspects compared to the prior boss: he doesn’t mix his mood with the business; he’s not very strict, which makes the job very relaxing. Edwin always says he’s nice, but stupid, because he doesn’t really understand the business, and added a coffee machine which has been making loss since Day 1; he works very slowly. My impression of him is neutral. The only thing I don’t like him is that he thinks people are all like him. If he works very slowly, as I a new member, I must work very slowly. I don’t like the kind of employer without the trust and confidence in me.
My trainer – Kevyn: Kevyn is a Chinese from Mauricio. “I don’t speak Chinese; I speak French.” When people talk to him in Chinese, he always replies this way. He has a very young appearance, like 18 years old, while he is 24 indeed. I only got to know his real age on my last day. Judging by his look, “小白脸” would be the first word out of your mouth! Well, that’s not without proof. How to put it, maybe he’s a natural flirter. When he’s in VJ, you can always see him flirt with girls, and interestingly, girls like to talk to him. But the good thing is, he loves his girlfriend. During his last two weeks, he almost worked everyday to earn more money for his trip to KL, to see his girlfriend. Sweet!
When I mention Kevyn, everybody who has been to VJ would not forget how I "hit" him. As we got closer, everything became very casual. He always bitches about the “Meat Ball”, another Aussie girl in VJ. Those bad words, especially the “F” word drove me crazy, and that was how he got beaten by me. After that, he told the people in VJ that I always slapped him. To prove him right, I had to keep doing it, slapping him whenever he talks bad word. So it became a famous sightseeing in VJ. Everybody must have seen that, and they like it!
Mikail: Mikael is from Indonesia. I only got to know him during the second week after I came to VJ. At first, he was very quiet; we didn’t talk much. In the end, we became very good friends. One day, he came to work in the noon. Feeling thirsty, he made a drink for himself. And then, he went to buy lunch; and again, he went to the toilet after that. I sold a few juice in the mean time, and made some samples out of the "chicken soup". Then, a great idea came across my mind. I poured a little bit of the chicken into a "Very berry" drink, and stirred, stirred... He came back, continued with his own drink.
"Hey, Mikail! Do you want the very berry? I just made it!"
"Oh, ok."
"Quickly finish yours, and i'll pour it into your cup!"
He got really mad over that, and i dared not to make fun of him any more...
I just wonder, "does the chicken soup taste really that bad?!"
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
3. SG Tucker
Mei is a nice person, from Taiwan. She has a small stall in the food court "Food Forum" located at Wembley. She is very direct, in what she says, and in how she acts.
11:05am, i was on the bus to work. She called,
When i reached the stall at 11:20, she apologized again with a big laugher.
She is very bossy, likes to order people around. She doesn't teach people, and assume that I know everything there, based on??? I have no idea. So interestingly, 2 other helpers at the stall do not know much too, even though 1 person has been there for very long time. Therefore, when we work together, it was a bit messy.
The second day, I met this girl called Bobo from HK. She's a cook in HK, also on working holiday visa, does everything well. But I just don't like it when people are arrogant. She messed up the orders, asked me to deliever the food to the wrong customer. When i said, "are you sure? I think this one is..." "Just give to him, I'm sure!"
In the end, the food was wrong. Luckily, they were regular customers, so everything was settled with Mei's big smile.
Mei has a full menu, which has more items, and shows the ingredients of all the SG food. So i tried to show customers the full menu to "grab" more orders. Surprisingly, Mei got angry about that, "Do not show customers that menu, that's for you! If not, they would order Fujian Kuay Teo Mian, instead of Fujianmian". When I was thinking why? Is it more troublesome to make "Kuay Teo Mian"? But we got more sales! She thought i didn't get it, "Understand?" "Yes, understand!"
I got too upset with the wrong order, and Mei's shouts, so didn't want to take lunch. But she made lunch for 3 of us, and I appreciate that. When you are outside, nobody but you can take care of yourself. I have known that a few years ago. That lunch put on a nice image of her in my mind, forever! Due to timing inconvenience, I never went back to work there, though I miss the food a lot, and I got another job, as a babysitter @ Caterina's...
4. Babysitter @ Caterina's
Caterina is a nice and incredibly beautiful Italian lady. With 3 children in the family, i guess she's mainly a housewife; maybe she's in control of some company which doesn't need her physical appearance? Anyway, she's the kind of perfect wife and perfect mother!
Alesia is 8, Sylvia is 5, and Louki is 15 months old. I always love the white babies, because they really look so cute (under the age of 14).
The cute Sylvia looks like a barbie doll, so i always lift her up, just as I lift up a doll. As a 5 year old baby, she doesn't know how to arrange her stuff, how to make her bed. Her room is always messy, without everything lying around. You could find a turtle shaped handmade paper bag in one corner, and maybe a dirty sock in another corner. Helping her clean room is always fun!
Alesia is in primary school now. A little bit older as the BIG sister, she appears more obedient. Interestingly, once she asked me,
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Then do you have a girlfriend?"
"Oh yea, 2 of you are my girlfriends!"
And surprisingly, another question, "Do you have a baby?" asked Sylvia.
"Sylvia, she doesn't even have a boyfriend!"
Well, looks like they are too smart!
This is a perfect family, a handsome and gentle husband, a beautiful and nice wife, 3 cute kids, a big house. Sometimes, the girls fight; sometimes, the baby cries; sometimes, the husband comes back late; but more often, the house is filled with laughters, with care, and with love. I want a family like that!
Mei is a nice person, from Taiwan. She has a small stall in the food court "Food Forum" located at Wembley. She is very direct, in what she says, and in how she acts.
11:05am, i was on the bus to work. She called,
When i reached the stall at 11:20, she apologized again with a big laugher.
She is very bossy, likes to order people around. She doesn't teach people, and assume that I know everything there, based on??? I have no idea. So interestingly, 2 other helpers at the stall do not know much too, even though 1 person has been there for very long time. Therefore, when we work together, it was a bit messy.
The second day, I met this girl called Bobo from HK. She's a cook in HK, also on working holiday visa, does everything well. But I just don't like it when people are arrogant. She messed up the orders, asked me to deliever the food to the wrong customer. When i said, "are you sure? I think this one is..." "Just give to him, I'm sure!"
In the end, the food was wrong. Luckily, they were regular customers, so everything was settled with Mei's big smile.
Mei has a full menu, which has more items, and shows the ingredients of all the SG food. So i tried to show customers the full menu to "grab" more orders. Surprisingly, Mei got angry about that, "Do not show customers that menu, that's for you! If not, they would order Fujian Kuay Teo Mian, instead of Fujianmian". When I was thinking why? Is it more troublesome to make "Kuay Teo Mian"? But we got more sales! She thought i didn't get it, "Understand?" "Yes, understand!"
I got too upset with the wrong order, and Mei's shouts, so didn't want to take lunch. But she made lunch for 3 of us, and I appreciate that. When you are outside, nobody but you can take care of yourself. I have known that a few years ago. That lunch put on a nice image of her in my mind, forever! Due to timing inconvenience, I never went back to work there, though I miss the food a lot, and I got another job, as a babysitter @ Caterina's...
4. Babysitter @ Caterina's
Caterina is a nice and incredibly beautiful Italian lady. With 3 children in the family, i guess she's mainly a housewife; maybe she's in control of some company which doesn't need her physical appearance? Anyway, she's the kind of perfect wife and perfect mother!
Alesia is 8, Sylvia is 5, and Louki is 15 months old. I always love the white babies, because they really look so cute (under the age of 14).
The cute Sylvia looks like a barbie doll, so i always lift her up, just as I lift up a doll. As a 5 year old baby, she doesn't know how to arrange her stuff, how to make her bed. Her room is always messy, without everything lying around. You could find a turtle shaped handmade paper bag in one corner, and maybe a dirty sock in another corner. Helping her clean room is always fun!
Alesia is in primary school now. A little bit older as the BIG sister, she appears more obedient. Interestingly, once she asked me,
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Then do you have a girlfriend?"
"Oh yea, 2 of you are my girlfriends!"
And surprisingly, another question, "Do you have a baby?" asked Sylvia.
"Sylvia, she doesn't even have a boyfriend!"
Well, looks like they are too smart!
This is a perfect family, a handsome and gentle husband, a beautiful and nice wife, 3 cute kids, a big house. Sometimes, the girls fight; sometimes, the baby cries; sometimes, the husband comes back late; but more often, the house is filled with laughters, with care, and with love. I want a family like that!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Shopping @ Habourtown
I really LOVE Harbourtown!!!
Shopping one last time before I leave Perth, and I went to Dotti, an Aussie brand which i like a lot. Picked up a few pieces of dress, and was a bit upset when I saw the prices. Some are still expensive even though it's winter time now.
And then I decided to buy a dress for $19.95.
Approached the cashier, took out $20 from my wallet, waiting for the salesgirl to scan and ask me for cash...
Suddenly, i heard a voice, "$9.95"
"What?! $19.95, is it?"
"$9.95!" She answered firmly!
"Ok, wait! I'll just grab another one!"
3 hrs shopping, I ended up with 7 bags, clothes & shoes, for me, and for my friends! :)
Shopping one last time before I leave Perth, and I went to Dotti, an Aussie brand which i like a lot. Picked up a few pieces of dress, and was a bit upset when I saw the prices. Some are still expensive even though it's winter time now.
And then I decided to buy a dress for $19.95.
Approached the cashier, took out $20 from my wallet, waiting for the salesgirl to scan and ask me for cash...
Suddenly, i heard a voice, "$9.95"
"What?! $19.95, is it?"
"$9.95!" She answered firmly!
"Ok, wait! I'll just grab another one!"
3 hrs shopping, I ended up with 7 bags, clothes & shoes, for me, and for my friends! :)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Exchange life had finished 2 weeks ago, but I chose to stay for longer, and find a casual job, claiming to my parents that "I want to live on my own for a while". So I started the job hunting process before my final exams, and have worked at several places. I don't earn much. There's nothing much left after I pay for my rental & living expenses. Interestingly, I'm enjoying this kind of life, enjoying the simplicity.
The job hunting is never easy in Australia, especially for foreigners. Interestingly, employers recruit mostly PR; foreigners can apply for PR only if they have a job. Haha, still that question of chicken and eggs, who appeared first? Luckily, I'm not part of the it, just looking for a casual job. So i had a few "jobs" or stories relating to my "jobs":
1. Pizza Hut
Got this piece of information that this shop is recruiting, at Innaloo. I talked to Alice (the female boss) on QQ, and we had a nice chat. The conversation included almost everything about the job, like training hours, pay rate, tax, working hours. We agreed on an interview the next day. So i went for the interview. Alice wasn't there, so her husband David interviewed me. We are all Chinese, and we all know that. Interestingly, David started the conversation in a very strange way: he talked to me in English, and he acted very casual. Hmmm, ok, never mind, I'll just talk in English.
"Why do you apply for PizzaHut?"
...... (Truth to be told, I didn't even know the shop was PizzaHut until Alice told me when i asked for the address of the SHOP.)
So i appeared a bit dumb...
"Or are you looking for a job only?"
"Yea, I'm looking for a job...in the food industry" I replied.
Interview continued......
"Ok, Nana, *****"
"Sorry, i don't really understand, could you repeat what you just said?"
And then he appeared a bit unhappy, thinking that I might doubt about his English. The truth is, his English isn't that good, that's why he cares too much.
After the interview, i left for home, messaged Alice to see if she wanted to arrange the training for me. 2 days, no reply, so I moved on.
3 days after, got msg from Alice, "pls come for training on Wed afternoon", i never go back again, because I have heard from another employer --
2. KOME Japanese Restaurant
I called Jennifer, the boss of KOME to see if she was hiring. She sounded very nice, and arranged me an interview that afternoon. She's from China, graduated from Curtin Uni, opening the restaurant with her husband Frank. We talked for 20 mins, and everything went well. So my training would start after my last exam. That's also why i was so confident to reply Alice with that "Sorry, i got another job already."
And what happened to me in KOME was just a HUGE surprise. The job was very tiring, but i dont mind. It's a very busy shop, so high level of efficiency is required. The colleague called "Pity" was my trainer. She's from Taiwan, on working holiday visa, a nice young lady. So i just followed her to do everything. Not boosting myself, but I really learnt all the work very fast, coz i have done a lot of work at home since i was very young. She was surprised to see that I did everything so fast, and could remember things so quickly. I even did the first wrap perfectly, so she said I have a gift in cooking/food, and told the boss that I was the smartest trainee she had seen since she came to the store. The couple boss were also very happy.
Ended my work at 4+, Jennifer told me that I would be working 3 days the following week. So i went home.
Received a call on Friday from Jennifer, to see if i can work on Sat. I said yes. So i just did what Pity taught me the day before, and finished at 2pm. Jennifer paid me, claiming that she pays employees weekly. That was the first pay, and my last pay from her. I got FIRED. BOOMZ! What's that??? How did that happen? Till now, i still don't know what happened? Anybody can figure that out by the msg below?
"You are a hard worker and a nice person. But we don't think that we can help each other in this busy time. All the best for your future."
Who needs your help? I just want a casual job! That night, I couldn't sleep until 4am, and I cried. How am i ending up with this? I'm looking for some fun, looking for a job to feed myself for a while, to prove that I can live on my own. And i'm just ending up with being "FIRED". What am i thinking? What am i going through all these for? All the job huntings, all the rejections by employers, am i finished? How much more are there? This is so ironic, "when there's no problem, you create them and slove them". What Chairman Mao said became my situation at this moment!
I thought about going back to SG or China, just change my tickets and then I could say "Goodbye" to all these dramas. Surprisingly, I chose to stay again, and I called Mei for another job at a food court.
The job hunting is never easy in Australia, especially for foreigners. Interestingly, employers recruit mostly PR; foreigners can apply for PR only if they have a job. Haha, still that question of chicken and eggs, who appeared first? Luckily, I'm not part of the it, just looking for a casual job. So i had a few "jobs" or stories relating to my "jobs":
1. Pizza Hut
Got this piece of information that this shop is recruiting, at Innaloo. I talked to Alice (the female boss) on QQ, and we had a nice chat. The conversation included almost everything about the job, like training hours, pay rate, tax, working hours. We agreed on an interview the next day. So i went for the interview. Alice wasn't there, so her husband David interviewed me. We are all Chinese, and we all know that. Interestingly, David started the conversation in a very strange way: he talked to me in English, and he acted very casual. Hmmm, ok, never mind, I'll just talk in English.
"Why do you apply for PizzaHut?"
...... (Truth to be told, I didn't even know the shop was PizzaHut until Alice told me when i asked for the address of the SHOP.)
So i appeared a bit dumb...
"Or are you looking for a job only?"
"Yea, I'm looking for a job...in the food industry" I replied.
Interview continued......
"Ok, Nana, *****"
"Sorry, i don't really understand, could you repeat what you just said?"
And then he appeared a bit unhappy, thinking that I might doubt about his English. The truth is, his English isn't that good, that's why he cares too much.
After the interview, i left for home, messaged Alice to see if she wanted to arrange the training for me. 2 days, no reply, so I moved on.
3 days after, got msg from Alice, "pls come for training on Wed afternoon", i never go back again, because I have heard from another employer --
2. KOME Japanese Restaurant
I called Jennifer, the boss of KOME to see if she was hiring. She sounded very nice, and arranged me an interview that afternoon. She's from China, graduated from Curtin Uni, opening the restaurant with her husband Frank. We talked for 20 mins, and everything went well. So my training would start after my last exam. That's also why i was so confident to reply Alice with that "Sorry, i got another job already."
And what happened to me in KOME was just a HUGE surprise. The job was very tiring, but i dont mind. It's a very busy shop, so high level of efficiency is required. The colleague called "Pity" was my trainer. She's from Taiwan, on working holiday visa, a nice young lady. So i just followed her to do everything. Not boosting myself, but I really learnt all the work very fast, coz i have done a lot of work at home since i was very young. She was surprised to see that I did everything so fast, and could remember things so quickly. I even did the first wrap perfectly, so she said I have a gift in cooking/food, and told the boss that I was the smartest trainee she had seen since she came to the store. The couple boss were also very happy.
Ended my work at 4+, Jennifer told me that I would be working 3 days the following week. So i went home.
Received a call on Friday from Jennifer, to see if i can work on Sat. I said yes. So i just did what Pity taught me the day before, and finished at 2pm. Jennifer paid me, claiming that she pays employees weekly. That was the first pay, and my last pay from her. I got FIRED. BOOMZ! What's that??? How did that happen? Till now, i still don't know what happened? Anybody can figure that out by the msg below?
"You are a hard worker and a nice person. But we don't think that we can help each other in this busy time. All the best for your future."
Who needs your help? I just want a casual job! That night, I couldn't sleep until 4am, and I cried. How am i ending up with this? I'm looking for some fun, looking for a job to feed myself for a while, to prove that I can live on my own. And i'm just ending up with being "FIRED". What am i thinking? What am i going through all these for? All the job huntings, all the rejections by employers, am i finished? How much more are there? This is so ironic, "when there's no problem, you create them and slove them". What Chairman Mao said became my situation at this moment!
I thought about going back to SG or China, just change my tickets and then I could say "Goodbye" to all these dramas. Surprisingly, I chose to stay again, and I called Mei for another job at a food court.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A: I want a lot a lot of LOVE, if not, a lot a lot of money
B: I don't have a lot a lot of money, but I want to give you a lot a lot of LOVE!
I guss that's the best explanation of LOVE, and I wish the happy couple happy forever.
B: I don't have a lot a lot of money, but I want to give you a lot a lot of LOVE!
I guss that's the best explanation of LOVE, and I wish the happy couple happy forever.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Good food to share
"When we were walking through the narrow alleys, it was literally impossible not to step in the raw sewage and the garbage alongside the little homes. But at the same time it was also impossible not to see the human vitality, the aspiration and the ambition of the people who live there."
"I thought I wanted a husband, but what I really wanted was a family that was loving. And I fiercely love my children, and they love me back.” She said, “I thought that I wanted to be a doctor, but what I really wanted to be was somebody who served and healed and cured."
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Just one last dance
By Sarah Connor & Marc Terenzi
Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance
We meet in the night in the Spanish café
I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
Tomorrow will come, it's time to realize
Our love is finished forever
How I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
How I wish we make it through
Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn round and round and round
It's like the first time
Just one more chance
Hold me tight and keep me warm
Cause the night is getting cold
And I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
I'll never forget how romantic they are
But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
There's no way to come with you
It's the only thing to do
Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance
Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance
We meet in the night in the Spanish café
I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
Tomorrow will come, it's time to realize
Our love is finished forever
How I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
How I wish we make it through
Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn round and round and round
It's like the first time
Just one more chance
Hold me tight and keep me warm
Cause the night is getting cold
And I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
I'll never forget how romantic they are
But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
There's no way to come with you
It's the only thing to do
Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance
Monday, May 31, 2010
Simple happiness
I was walking down Caporn Street to the shopping center, passing by a small lemonade booth set up by two little girls.
Girl: Would you like a lemonade?
Me: No, thanks.
She was a bit disappointed, and said to the other girl, "We have no business..."
Trying not to disappoint her, I asked, "How much is it?"
"15 cents," answered her.
I handed her 50 cents, and waited for my lemonade to get ready. Meanwhile, she was looking for the change, obviously, i confused 15 with 50. So I gave her a 20 cents coin, got back the 50 cents, asked her to keep the change, and told her that I would grab my lemonade on my way back home.
When I went back, they have left the booth, but I found a lemonade on the table. Apparently, they left it for me. So I grabbed it, and walked towards home.
A girl was running over towards me, it was the lemonade girl.
Girl: My friend is going home; my mum said i couldn't do it alone, so we just closed the booth.
Me: Don't worry.
Girl: Have you tried the lemonade? My friend and I made it by ourselves; it's very nice, better than the ones in the supermarket!
Me: Oh really?! Let me try. (I took a sip) Yes, it's quite nice!
Walking in the same direction with her, i continued the conversation.
Me: so how much did you make today?
Girl: hmm, let me see (counting the coins in her hand)... 1 Dollar & 80 cents.
I couldn't help smiling, "haha!"
Girl: Why? That's quite good!
She appeared a bit serious, so I stopped laughing and assented, "yea, that's quite good!"
"Earlier this afternoon, we had different sizes of cups, and a large one sells 50 cents!" She looked very happy and proud.
When we reached my apartment building, we saw another boy from my neighbours. "Hey! We sold all the lemonades, there's no more for you!" Apparently, she's showing off.
"You want to have mine?" I offered him; he was silent, and looked sad.
Later, I heard him talking to his mother, "They were selling lemonade and they sold all."
A large lemonade selling 50 cents can make a little girl happy; an afternoon's total earning of $1.8 could make her thrilled; a job making and selling lemonade could bring her pride. What about us?
Watching my favouriate Australian show, "Deal or No Deal", I felt lucky for the people who walked away with huge amounts of money. However, how many people didn't stop when they should? Everybody says, "I don't want to be greedy"; however, in front of all the shining money, a tiny little hope that it might become theirs edges out their intellect, they became greedy and lost more on the contrary.
So everything boils down to one simple question, "How much is enough?" While we are struggling to make more money everyday by all means; while we are complaining about the lack of $$$ every minute, are we losing the most important things along the way, the things we used to treasure, the things we are looking forward to in the future, the things we are working towards, the things we think we will enjoy in the future, such as happiness, or a holiday.
When the difference between the poor and the rich can be summarized as the difference bewteen lying on a beach in Perth and Hawaii, why would a Perth person work so hard, save everything to fly to Hawaii?
And think about the days when we were little kids, when we could smile because our parents got us a candy. If we still have that mind of contentment, life would be much simplier, and we would be much happier!
Girl: Would you like a lemonade?
Me: No, thanks.
She was a bit disappointed, and said to the other girl, "We have no business..."
Trying not to disappoint her, I asked, "How much is it?"
"15 cents," answered her.
I handed her 50 cents, and waited for my lemonade to get ready. Meanwhile, she was looking for the change, obviously, i confused 15 with 50. So I gave her a 20 cents coin, got back the 50 cents, asked her to keep the change, and told her that I would grab my lemonade on my way back home.
When I went back, they have left the booth, but I found a lemonade on the table. Apparently, they left it for me. So I grabbed it, and walked towards home.
A girl was running over towards me, it was the lemonade girl.
Girl: My friend is going home; my mum said i couldn't do it alone, so we just closed the booth.
Me: Don't worry.
Girl: Have you tried the lemonade? My friend and I made it by ourselves; it's very nice, better than the ones in the supermarket!
Me: Oh really?! Let me try. (I took a sip) Yes, it's quite nice!
Walking in the same direction with her, i continued the conversation.
Me: so how much did you make today?
Girl: hmm, let me see (counting the coins in her hand)... 1 Dollar & 80 cents.
I couldn't help smiling, "haha!"
Girl: Why? That's quite good!
She appeared a bit serious, so I stopped laughing and assented, "yea, that's quite good!"
"Earlier this afternoon, we had different sizes of cups, and a large one sells 50 cents!" She looked very happy and proud.
When we reached my apartment building, we saw another boy from my neighbours. "Hey! We sold all the lemonades, there's no more for you!" Apparently, she's showing off.
"You want to have mine?" I offered him; he was silent, and looked sad.
Later, I heard him talking to his mother, "They were selling lemonade and they sold all."
A large lemonade selling 50 cents can make a little girl happy; an afternoon's total earning of $1.8 could make her thrilled; a job making and selling lemonade could bring her pride. What about us?
Watching my favouriate Australian show, "Deal or No Deal", I felt lucky for the people who walked away with huge amounts of money. However, how many people didn't stop when they should? Everybody says, "I don't want to be greedy"; however, in front of all the shining money, a tiny little hope that it might become theirs edges out their intellect, they became greedy and lost more on the contrary.
So everything boils down to one simple question, "How much is enough?" While we are struggling to make more money everyday by all means; while we are complaining about the lack of $$$ every minute, are we losing the most important things along the way, the things we used to treasure, the things we are looking forward to in the future, the things we are working towards, the things we think we will enjoy in the future, such as happiness, or a holiday.
When the difference between the poor and the rich can be summarized as the difference bewteen lying on a beach in Perth and Hawaii, why would a Perth person work so hard, save everything to fly to Hawaii?
And think about the days when we were little kids, when we could smile because our parents got us a candy. If we still have that mind of contentment, life would be much simplier, and we would be much happier!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
在水中看大堡礁(The great barrier reef) 软软的,我都不敢碰;五彩缤纷的鱼儿在水底游来游去,见到你也不会怕,或者受到些许惊吓,一下就躲到reef里面去了,像在跟你捉迷藏。所谓出生牛犊不怕虎,所以小鱼儿们总会跟你在一起玩耍。第一次看到海底世界,竟是这样的斑斓,这样的七彩,我喜欢这样的世界……

在水中看大堡礁(The great barrier reef) 软软的,我都不敢碰;五彩缤纷的鱼儿在水底游来游去,见到你也不会怕,或者受到些许惊吓,一下就躲到reef里面去了,像在跟你捉迷藏。所谓出生牛犊不怕虎,所以小鱼儿们总会跟你在一起玩耍。第一次看到海底世界,竟是这样的斑斓,这样的七彩,我喜欢这样的世界……
Gold Coast
大海似乎特别眷顾这座城市,赋予了她一条无边无际的海岸线,与了无尽头的金色沙滩。于是,这府傍水而息的城市名曰"Gold Coast".
Gold Coast,或许是应该一群朋友一起玩吧,而一个人漫步城市街道,徜徉于海滩上,在旅馆中闲坐吹着海风,又何尝不是一种乐趣呢?

Gold Coast,或许是应该一群朋友一起玩吧,而一个人漫步城市街道,徜徉于海滩上,在旅馆中闲坐吹着海风,又何尝不是一种乐趣呢?
墨尔本旅途的劳累一直持续了一天,来悉尼的第一天,一直在睡,比在SMU还困,实在是睡不醒啊……于是,第二天,一整天的时间,速食悉尼,游遍了整个市区,加Bondi Beach
去了情人港,体会了游人的休闲、浪漫、自在;去了chinatown,看到了华人在海外的生活场景;去了Opera House,见到了比深圳世界之窗更雄伟、更美丽的建筑;去了St Marry's Church,见识了一种宗教在一地的神圣;搭了游船,看到了美玉的悉尼夜景,看到了夜中的剧院,港湾大桥,还有这美丽的城市。

于是我禁不住问自己,so what? SO WHAT? 我又改变了什么?除了多见了点东西外,我又改变了什么?
Relax! 3 days left for the easter break! Enjoy the rest of the holiday!
去了情人港,体会了游人的休闲、浪漫、自在;去了chinatown,看到了华人在海外的生活场景;去了Opera House,见到了比深圳世界之窗更雄伟、更美丽的建筑;去了St Marry's Church,见识了一种宗教在一地的神圣;搭了游船,看到了美玉的悉尼夜景,看到了夜中的剧院,港湾大桥,还有这美丽的城市。

于是我禁不住问自己,so what? SO WHAT? 我又改变了什么?除了多见了点东西外,我又改变了什么?
Relax! 3 days left for the easter break! Enjoy the rest of the holiday!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Melbourne - part 2
Finally, I have finished all my assignments, and got the time to update my blog about previous travel. And here it comes, Great Ocean Road of Melbourne
Great Ocean Road - Melbourne
I like everything natural, and on Great Ocean Road, the 12 Apostles were formed by natural force. When standing in front of them, I was shocked, it is hard to believe that is the strength of nature, so spectacular, so splendid!
Waves gently lap against the shore. Day after day, night after night, layers began appear on the rocks, from the bottom all the way to the top. Year after year, the rock began to split from the coast, and finally formed the 12 Apostles (acutally there are 14). Those Apostles and the layers on them are the witness of time, are records of a story between the ocean and the coast.
Sprays slaps the rocks and the seacoast ceaselessly, but the rocks are still grand. The sun emerged from behind the clouds, the mist began to appear, and wreathe the coast and the rocks. What a beautiful fairyland!

Great Ocean Road - Melbourne
I like everything natural, and on Great Ocean Road, the 12 Apostles were formed by natural force. When standing in front of them, I was shocked, it is hard to believe that is the strength of nature, so spectacular, so splendid!
Waves gently lap against the shore. Day after day, night after night, layers began appear on the rocks, from the bottom all the way to the top. Year after year, the rock began to split from the coast, and finally formed the 12 Apostles (acutally there are 14). Those Apostles and the layers on them are the witness of time, are records of a story between the ocean and the coast.
Sprays slaps the rocks and the seacoast ceaselessly, but the rocks are still grand. The sun emerged from behind the clouds, the mist began to appear, and wreathe the coast and the rocks. What a beautiful fairyland!

Thursday, April 29, 2010
10 Must Dos with Nana
Recently, I have been living alone in a 1+1 flat, enjoying the spacious apartment, and the personal space with friends far far away in other countries. Therefore, I got a bit narcissistic, haha!
Several days ago, i bought a piece of pumpkin, just wanna to eat pumpkin. Have you ever tried those pumpkin pancakes in Singapore when you go to eat steamboat? I have never tried, because I dare not! I just dare not try. Strangely enough, I want to cook them! So here they are! My second try (The first time wasn't good):

When I was cooking pumpkin pancakes, I was thinking about this topic, "10 things you must do with Nana if you are a good friend of hers". How did i start this thought? I just met a new Singaporean friend here. She said she wanted to eat curry stuff, so I went to the web to see how to cook curry chicken, and am thinking to cook it next time she eat at my place. I'm a quite generous person towards my friends, so I'm willing to do many things for them, and with them. Therefore, a good way to measure how close we are is by looking at how many things we have done together. Fair enough? So, I'm compiling this list of 10 "must-dos".
1. Make a change on her: Yes, I take most food, but only normal food which is acceptable to me. I didn't drink milktea, carrot juice, ice coffee. I didn't take Indian food; I was a computer idiot. But now, everything has changed, and all those changes were caused by my friends. No matter what happens, whether they are still my good friends or not, they have made changes on me, and I won't forget how I got to drink milktea, carrot juice, never. If you haven't made any change to me, start with buying me all sorts of drinks! hahahaha!
2. Make a change for her: You can change her, so she wants to change you too.
3. Try her dumplings: most people know that I'm not a bad cook, and dumplings are my speciality. HAHA.:) But I don't cook very often now, and I cook more for my girlfriends, or special occassions only.
4. Get her to cook a meal you like: HAHA. It looks like everything is food related. Yea, I'm willing to cook some special food for my friends, so if you wanna anything, just let me know, then you will get it soon. (provided that I have time, and all the cooking equipment)
5. Watch drama/movie with her: I'm a very optmistic person, so I'm always very cheerful and happy. However, this person always cries at movies/dramas, especially those emotional Korean dramas or Taiwan ones. It's very funny to watch drama with me, see my tears fall, my eyes get red and puffy, what's funnier, I laugh at myself immediately after the show.
6. Tell her about your trouble: It's very strange that I'm willing to listen to my friends' trouble. Maybe it's because I enjoy helping them out. There's this saying, if there is 1 pain, you split it, we both get 1 half. Yes, I'm willing to share that half.
7. Let her make a joke about you: Nana is very funny, probably you know that.:) So let her make a joke about you, and you will remember that joke forever. Anyway, it's just a white joke, even though it doesn't sound very nice, but no harm was intended! Like "听妈妈的话", 哈哈!
8. Watch her do stupid things: Nana is very good at doing stupid things. For example, when she's walking alone, she would think about some funny stuff, and laugh or pat her head; she always talks to herself, like "加油,Fan Nana!", or "Fan Nana,你真搞笑!", "Fan Nana, 你真是笨死了!" It would be fun to catch any of these.
9. Get a hug! A hug is the closest gesture I could give and accept as a friend, haha! And yea, a hug does calm me down when I'm worried; it's also an expression of care if i give you a hug. But, limited amout only. haha!
10. Get your rumor from her: another good trait about Nana is that, she can originate your rumor! 100% original thoughts, absolutely no copyright issue! haha! Good thing or bad thing, i don't care, but it's very likely to happen! Think about yourselves, how many of you haven't gotten 1 from me? I'll make it up to you! (Again, white lie, no harm intended)
So, of 10 in the list, how many have you gotten/done? As long as there is something, it means you are special to me...
Several days ago, i bought a piece of pumpkin, just wanna to eat pumpkin. Have you ever tried those pumpkin pancakes in Singapore when you go to eat steamboat? I have never tried, because I dare not! I just dare not try. Strangely enough, I want to cook them! So here they are! My second try (The first time wasn't good):
When I was cooking pumpkin pancakes, I was thinking about this topic, "10 things you must do with Nana if you are a good friend of hers". How did i start this thought? I just met a new Singaporean friend here. She said she wanted to eat curry stuff, so I went to the web to see how to cook curry chicken, and am thinking to cook it next time she eat at my place. I'm a quite generous person towards my friends, so I'm willing to do many things for them, and with them. Therefore, a good way to measure how close we are is by looking at how many things we have done together. Fair enough? So, I'm compiling this list of 10 "must-dos".
1. Make a change on her: Yes, I take most food, but only normal food which is acceptable to me. I didn't drink milktea, carrot juice, ice coffee. I didn't take Indian food; I was a computer idiot. But now, everything has changed, and all those changes were caused by my friends. No matter what happens, whether they are still my good friends or not, they have made changes on me, and I won't forget how I got to drink milktea, carrot juice, never. If you haven't made any change to me, start with buying me all sorts of drinks! hahahaha!
2. Make a change for her: You can change her, so she wants to change you too.
3. Try her dumplings: most people know that I'm not a bad cook, and dumplings are my speciality. HAHA.:) But I don't cook very often now, and I cook more for my girlfriends, or special occassions only.
4. Get her to cook a meal you like: HAHA. It looks like everything is food related. Yea, I'm willing to cook some special food for my friends, so if you wanna anything, just let me know, then you will get it soon. (provided that I have time, and all the cooking equipment)
5. Watch drama/movie with her: I'm a very optmistic person, so I'm always very cheerful and happy. However, this person always cries at movies/dramas, especially those emotional Korean dramas or Taiwan ones. It's very funny to watch drama with me, see my tears fall, my eyes get red and puffy, what's funnier, I laugh at myself immediately after the show.
6. Tell her about your trouble: It's very strange that I'm willing to listen to my friends' trouble. Maybe it's because I enjoy helping them out. There's this saying, if there is 1 pain, you split it, we both get 1 half. Yes, I'm willing to share that half.
7. Let her make a joke about you: Nana is very funny, probably you know that.:) So let her make a joke about you, and you will remember that joke forever. Anyway, it's just a white joke, even though it doesn't sound very nice, but no harm was intended! Like "听妈妈的话", 哈哈!
8. Watch her do stupid things: Nana is very good at doing stupid things. For example, when she's walking alone, she would think about some funny stuff, and laugh or pat her head; she always talks to herself, like "加油,Fan Nana!", or "Fan Nana,你真搞笑!", "Fan Nana, 你真是笨死了!" It would be fun to catch any of these.
9. Get a hug! A hug is the closest gesture I could give and accept as a friend, haha! And yea, a hug does calm me down when I'm worried; it's also an expression of care if i give you a hug. But, limited amout only. haha!
10. Get your rumor from her: another good trait about Nana is that, she can originate your rumor! 100% original thoughts, absolutely no copyright issue! haha! Good thing or bad thing, i don't care, but it's very likely to happen! Think about yourselves, how many of you haven't gotten 1 from me? I'll make it up to you! (Again, white lie, no harm intended)
So, of 10 in the list, how many have you gotten/done? As long as there is something, it means you are special to me...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
You can always be yourself!
Just finished my third presentation since last Friday, and i just want to say, "you can always be yourself!"
I'm taking this unit, "ASEAN economic history". Professor is an Asian, but looks like from areas around Bangladesh. He has an accent which is difficult to understand; he doesn't know what is presentation, because he normally read out the slides; he knows very limited technology, and couldn't even use PPT in tutorial room. Honestly, i don't like him, and i find all the lessons very boring.
Therefore, our tutorials are boring, too. In tutorials, we are to give presentations on particular topics. Learnt from Professor's presentation, my classmates present in the way he did, read out the handouts, little interaction, what's worse, nobody's listening...
I don't like it, i don't like it that people don't take things seriously; i don't like it that people do things just for the sake of doing it. For my presentation, i did tons of research, through two library resources. I really enjoyed the process of research, and I enjoy the journey of learning new things.
And I'm a Toastmaster, I can't tolerate my presentation to be the same as those of my classmates, i can't. You present your findings to your classmates, and if they are not listening, don't you feel that your effort has been wasted? Therefore, I did beautiful slides, and presented with them during tutorial. During my presentation, I could see that, people are listening, at least paying attention if can't concentrate. And with that, I'm satisfied.
Q&A, nobody asked me questions, so i knew that's because my presentation is either too bad, or too good. And i decided to leave it as it is, it's alright even if it's too bad, i have done my job. Till the end of the class, a classmate told me, "Your presentation was very good!"
Yes, you can always be yourself if you want to. Just be you, the "you" who makes you YOU!
I'm taking this unit, "ASEAN economic history". Professor is an Asian, but looks like from areas around Bangladesh. He has an accent which is difficult to understand; he doesn't know what is presentation, because he normally read out the slides; he knows very limited technology, and couldn't even use PPT in tutorial room. Honestly, i don't like him, and i find all the lessons very boring.
Therefore, our tutorials are boring, too. In tutorials, we are to give presentations on particular topics. Learnt from Professor's presentation, my classmates present in the way he did, read out the handouts, little interaction, what's worse, nobody's listening...
I don't like it, i don't like it that people don't take things seriously; i don't like it that people do things just for the sake of doing it. For my presentation, i did tons of research, through two library resources. I really enjoyed the process of research, and I enjoy the journey of learning new things.
And I'm a Toastmaster, I can't tolerate my presentation to be the same as those of my classmates, i can't. You present your findings to your classmates, and if they are not listening, don't you feel that your effort has been wasted? Therefore, I did beautiful slides, and presented with them during tutorial. During my presentation, I could see that, people are listening, at least paying attention if can't concentrate. And with that, I'm satisfied.
Q&A, nobody asked me questions, so i knew that's because my presentation is either too bad, or too good. And i decided to leave it as it is, it's alright even if it's too bad, i have done my job. Till the end of the class, a classmate told me, "Your presentation was very good!"
Yes, you can always be yourself if you want to. Just be you, the "you" who makes you YOU!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Melbourne part 1
Arrived in Mel on Sunday morning, and stayed for 3 days. My schedule was fully packed, with sightseeing & tours everyday, which is even more tiring than the days at school. But it's good.
Met Jenny who flew from Sydney to travel with me, Qian from UWA, Katie & Xian Hui, whom i knew from E&Y! Suddenly i got so many friends in Melbourne, and I'm so proud of that! I like it that I have friends everywhere.
About Melbourne:
Some people say, "melbourne is like a maze, you can easily get lost." Luckily, i didn't get lost. Indeed, Melbourne is very well designed, which can be seen from the alignment of the buildings, and the direction of the streets. As the second biggest city in Australia, it's "not bad", and with the attraction of Philip Island and Great Ocean Road, many people remember Melbourne.
But I'm lost... I start to get lost about the meaning of traveling. You go to a place, unfamiliar with anything there, no place to live, quality of life declines, and then you walk around, look at the buildings and sightseeings, take some photos... Is that what traveling is all about? What's the meaning of traveling anyway? I'm getting too serious. Anyway, something about Melbourne...
--Philip Island
We went to Philip Island, and saw the smallest penguins in the world, those little lives. I admire them being strong, but also pity their weakness. These little birds, spend all days feeding themselves in the sea. Only after sunset, dare they go back homes which are located on the hills cross the beach. And they have to worry about the soaring eagles when they cross the beach. Their so called "homes" are always at risk, so is their life. Even if that's the case, the so called "nice people" continue to bother them! After sunset, when people are supposed to go home, they come to this island, and they watch these birds. Thousands of people... scaring these little birds.
I'm curious to know, why would human, the so called strongest species, like to do whatever we want? Claiming "protecting other species", but is that really protection? Those lamp-posts never off during night; those view points directly destoried the penguins' path; thousands of people every night, scaring those little birds, making their life more dangeous! Why would human be so selfish? Why would they be so curious, so that they can see everything seeable in the world? Why wouldn't human just let it go, let everything in the nature go with the law?
I don't understand, but if that's more fair towards the other species, i would give up the opportunity to see them, rather than to bother them...

Met Jenny who flew from Sydney to travel with me, Qian from UWA, Katie & Xian Hui, whom i knew from E&Y! Suddenly i got so many friends in Melbourne, and I'm so proud of that! I like it that I have friends everywhere.
About Melbourne:
Some people say, "melbourne is like a maze, you can easily get lost." Luckily, i didn't get lost. Indeed, Melbourne is very well designed, which can be seen from the alignment of the buildings, and the direction of the streets. As the second biggest city in Australia, it's "not bad", and with the attraction of Philip Island and Great Ocean Road, many people remember Melbourne.
But I'm lost... I start to get lost about the meaning of traveling. You go to a place, unfamiliar with anything there, no place to live, quality of life declines, and then you walk around, look at the buildings and sightseeings, take some photos... Is that what traveling is all about? What's the meaning of traveling anyway? I'm getting too serious. Anyway, something about Melbourne...
--Philip Island
We went to Philip Island, and saw the smallest penguins in the world, those little lives. I admire them being strong, but also pity their weakness. These little birds, spend all days feeding themselves in the sea. Only after sunset, dare they go back homes which are located on the hills cross the beach. And they have to worry about the soaring eagles when they cross the beach. Their so called "homes" are always at risk, so is their life. Even if that's the case, the so called "nice people" continue to bother them! After sunset, when people are supposed to go home, they come to this island, and they watch these birds. Thousands of people... scaring these little birds.
I'm curious to know, why would human, the so called strongest species, like to do whatever we want? Claiming "protecting other species", but is that really protection? Those lamp-posts never off during night; those view points directly destoried the penguins' path; thousands of people every night, scaring those little birds, making their life more dangeous! Why would human be so selfish? Why would they be so curious, so that they can see everything seeable in the world? Why wouldn't human just let it go, let everything in the nature go with the law?
I don't understand, but if that's more fair towards the other species, i would give up the opportunity to see them, rather than to bother them...

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Pinnacles & Rottnest island
1. Pinnacles
以为所有的沙漠都是绵延无际的;以为所有的沙漠都是踩上去软软的,把脚埋住;以为所有的沙漠都是荒芜的除了沙之外,一无所有……直到我到了pinnacles dessert,我才知道我错了。同时,我很失望,没有见到我幻想中的沙漠。


带着一天的兴奋,我们开始返回了。在路上休息,于是大家都弄鞋子里、袜子里的沙,倒在地上。一当地人经过,说了句,"Take the sand with you, we got plenty!"哈哈

2. Rottnest Island
停下来休息几次,大家都喊饿了,岛上却只有东部有卖吃的,我们却还在west end,那个无奈啊。我呢,带了饭,大家说不吃,我也没法吃,真是伤心啊!0同学带了巧克力,大家吃了一半,他再分时,骞同学讲,唉,现在才1点半,我们要骑到8点多来,到6点多肯定饿,留着吧!于是大家笑成一团。
一天以冰冷的气候结束,大家说好recess后一起去swan vally或者margerate river, looking forward.我快冻僵了,上车,回家,煮面,开始暖了过来……

以为所有的沙漠都是绵延无际的;以为所有的沙漠都是踩上去软软的,把脚埋住;以为所有的沙漠都是荒芜的除了沙之外,一无所有……直到我到了pinnacles dessert,我才知道我错了。同时,我很失望,没有见到我幻想中的沙漠。
带着一天的兴奋,我们开始返回了。在路上休息,于是大家都弄鞋子里、袜子里的沙,倒在地上。一当地人经过,说了句,"Take the sand with you, we got plenty!"哈哈
2. Rottnest Island
停下来休息几次,大家都喊饿了,岛上却只有东部有卖吃的,我们却还在west end,那个无奈啊。我呢,带了饭,大家说不吃,我也没法吃,真是伤心啊!0同学带了巧克力,大家吃了一半,他再分时,骞同学讲,唉,现在才1点半,我们要骑到8点多来,到6点多肯定饿,留着吧!于是大家笑成一团。
一天以冰冷的气候结束,大家说好recess后一起去swan vally或者margerate river, looking forward.我快冻僵了,上车,回家,煮面,开始暖了过来……
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Bad things happened in a row
Got to know some Chinese students through a Japanese friend, so got to know that they are all awared a scholarship which is supposed to be available to Asian students, but Singapore is an exception.
Couldn't concentrate reviewing Phychology. Before lecture, found a Chinese student besides me, so i was very glad and started to talk to him. But things don't work out as well as what you think, he appeared very proud, so i hate proud people!
After my education tutorial, i was walking back home till half way, but found my sunglasses missing again! Went back to the education library, luckily, it was sleeping there. Or i would have killed myself!
Cooked mutton again, but too much is too much! I don't feel like eating it any more!
Just when i was resting on bed, a violent storm came, with hailstone as big as eggs! "bang-bang-bang", it was very scaring! And suddenly, i heard the sound of window breaking, i thought it was from the neighbour's, but it turned out to be mine! Correctly speaking, most windows of the building were smashed. I started to panic, looking at the ground full of white hailstones, i was terrified. Half of the leaves/fruits on the tree fell, and some tree were only left with branches...
Car accidents happened everywhere; cars were smashed in so many places; library was closed. The glasshouses of the School of Agriculture were damaged so heavily.
There was still a welcome drink to be held in Business school @4:30, and i had to be there. After the storm, i was so terrified; even i went there, i didn't feel like speaking or talking, and everybody looks professional, so i left...
In the evening when i was cooking, the power went out! The room turned dark! In the light of a small torch, i started my dinner...
My roomie came home, she brought the power back! But with a piece of news i'm not sure if it's good or bad, she's going home for holiday for about a month because of the damages to her glasshouse, she couldn't continue with other experiment. Would i be scared in the autumn or winter, when storm is often...
And then, i had diarrhea, and felt tired...
During the night, i couldn't sleep well, woke up many times...
Are the bad things enough???
Couldn't concentrate reviewing Phychology. Before lecture, found a Chinese student besides me, so i was very glad and started to talk to him. But things don't work out as well as what you think, he appeared very proud, so i hate proud people!
After my education tutorial, i was walking back home till half way, but found my sunglasses missing again! Went back to the education library, luckily, it was sleeping there. Or i would have killed myself!
Cooked mutton again, but too much is too much! I don't feel like eating it any more!
Just when i was resting on bed, a violent storm came, with hailstone as big as eggs! "bang-bang-bang", it was very scaring! And suddenly, i heard the sound of window breaking, i thought it was from the neighbour's, but it turned out to be mine! Correctly speaking, most windows of the building were smashed. I started to panic, looking at the ground full of white hailstones, i was terrified. Half of the leaves/fruits on the tree fell, and some tree were only left with branches...
Car accidents happened everywhere; cars were smashed in so many places; library was closed. The glasshouses of the School of Agriculture were damaged so heavily.
There was still a welcome drink to be held in Business school @4:30, and i had to be there. After the storm, i was so terrified; even i went there, i didn't feel like speaking or talking, and everybody looks professional, so i left...
In the evening when i was cooking, the power went out! The room turned dark! In the light of a small torch, i started my dinner...
My roomie came home, she brought the power back! But with a piece of news i'm not sure if it's good or bad, she's going home for holiday for about a month because of the damages to her glasshouse, she couldn't continue with other experiment. Would i be scared in the autumn or winter, when storm is often...
And then, i had diarrhea, and felt tired...
During the night, i couldn't sleep well, woke up many times...
Are the bad things enough???
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Life is like heaven when you don't study
haha. Yes!
Life is like heaven when i don't have to worry much about study!
Study is much more fulfilling when i don't have to worry about grade!
Aussie girls like to wear a kind of dress, with a plain top, and a skirt with little flowers. They look very beautiful! And i bought several pieces last saturday.
Outlet shopping is just driving people crazy, because $1 there doesn't equal $1 outside any more. People just spend money like mad... as least this is what happened to me.
Anyway, I'm very happy, with 3 dresses, 1 skirt, 1 pair of shoes, 1 bag, 1 pair of sunglasses from the outlet shopping. Cheers!
Life is like heaven when i don't have to worry much about study!
Study is much more fulfilling when i don't have to worry about grade!
Aussie girls like to wear a kind of dress, with a plain top, and a skirt with little flowers. They look very beautiful! And i bought several pieces last saturday.
Outlet shopping is just driving people crazy, because $1 there doesn't equal $1 outside any more. People just spend money like mad... as least this is what happened to me.
Anyway, I'm very happy, with 3 dresses, 1 skirt, 1 pair of shoes, 1 bag, 1 pair of sunglasses from the outlet shopping. Cheers!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
前天意气风发的定了recess week的旅游机票,9天,去东部海岸玩一圈!要不是时间不够,我肯定会去Alice Springs,不过这样也不错。
Perth --> Melbourne --> Sydney --> Gold Coast --> Carins --> Perth
前天意气风发的定了recess week的旅游机票,9天,去东部海岸玩一圈!要不是时间不够,我肯定会去Alice Springs,不过这样也不错。
Perth --> Melbourne --> Sydney --> Gold Coast --> Carins --> Perth
Monday, March 8, 2010
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